IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Dialout (DOUT)

This chapter describes Dialout (DOUT) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.001 Schedule a Listen for TCP open on tcp port portnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.001 Schedule a Listen for TCP open on tcp port portnum

Description: DIALOUT: For each dialout circuit present, telnet registers with tcp to listen for open requests on tcp port 1000.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.002 A TCP connection to the telnet modem server has been opened

Long Syntax: DOUT.002 A TCP connection to the telnet modem server has been opened

Description: DIALOUT: A TCP connection to the telnet modem server has been opened, next step is to register with a virtual net, if one is available.



Short Syntax: DOUT.003 Initializing telnet queues failed, can't open telnet modem connection

Long Syntax: DOUT.003 Initializing telnet queues failed, can't open telnet modem connection

Description: DIALOUT: tel_qinit() failed. The telnet modem server tried to initialize the queues associated with this session. This attempt failed as a result of not being able to allocate the queue.

Action: You may be running low on memory, check your memory statistics. Report this error to customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.004 Telnet read buffer allocation failed, can't open telnet modem conn

Long Syntax: DOUT.004 Telnet read buffer allocation failed, can't open telnet modem conn

Description: DIALOUT: tel_start_init failed as a result of the read buffer not being able to be allocated.

Action: You may be running low on memory, check your memory statistics. Report this error to customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.005 Telnet couldn't register with a virtual net

Long Syntax: DOUT.005 Telnet couldn't register with a virtual net

Description: The telnet modem server could not register with a virtual net. The reason for this is most likely that all the base nets that have dialout circuits configured for them are in use.

Action: Make sure a dialout circuit and its corresponding base net are both available and try again.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.006 Dialout server registered new session with net number netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.006 Dialout server registered new session with net number netnum

Description: The new telnet session was successfully registered with a virtual net. All data that arrives to this telnet session will be sent to the virtual net that was listed.



Short Syntax: DOUT.010 Dialout server session closing

Long Syntax: DOUT.010 Dialout server session closing

Description: Dialout server session closed, most likely as a result of not being able to register with a virtual net.

Action: Make sure a dialout circuit and its corresponding base net are both available and try again.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.011 Dialout server session on net netnum closing

Long Syntax: DOUT.011 Dialout server session on net netnum closing

Description: Dialout server session closed, most likely as a result the client terminating the session.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.012 Dialout server rcvd count byte(s) from modem on net netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.012 Dialout server rcvd count byte(s) from modem on net netnum

Description: Dialout server in data xfer state and received bytes from modem.



Short Syntax: DOUT.013 Dialout server rcvd packet from modem with errors on net netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.013 Dialout server rcvd packet from modem with errors on net netnum

Description: Dialout server received bytes from modem and the packet had errors in it.

Action: This error occured from some event in the net handler or driver. In the monitor console, check the error statistics for this net. If the problem persists, report this problem to customet service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.014 Dialout server could not xmit packet, net netnum was down

Long Syntax: DOUT.014 Dialout server could not xmit packet, net netnum was down

Description: Dialout server tried to transmit bytes from telnet but the v34 handler reported the net was down and did not xmit the bytes.

Action: This error occured from some event in the net handler or driver. In the monitor console, check the error statistics for this net. If the problem persists, report this problem to customet service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.015 Dialout server received bytes data bytes via the name interface

Long Syntax: DOUT.015 Dialout server received bytes data bytes via the name interface

Description: Dialout server received x number of bytes via either the telnet or DIALs application.

Action: No action just information



Short Syntax: DOUT.016 Dialout server could not xmit packet, problem with net netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.016 Dialout server could not xmit packet, problem with net netnum

Description: Dialout server tried to xmit a packet but could not because of some internal error in the driver.

Action: This error occured from some event in the net handler or driver. In the monitor console, check the error statistics for this net. If the problem persists, report this problem to customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.017 Dialout server received a telnet option for command option packet

Long Syntax: DOUT.017 Dialout server received a telnet option for command option packet

Description: Dialout server received a telnet command option.

Action: No action, just information



Short Syntax: DOUT.018 Dialout server did not receive an end of Suboption

Long Syntax: DOUT.018 Dialout server did not receive an end of Suboption

Description: Dialout server received a telnet suboption command but never received the suboption end byte.

Action: This is an error that may cause the dialout server to become out of sync. Operation will continue with unexpected results. If this problem persists contact customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.019 Dialout server, net netnum, failure during CML init

Long Syntax: DOUT.019 Dialout server, net netnum, failure during CML init

Description: Dialout server did not install correctly due to a error during cml_init. This is most likely a configuration problem.

Action: Please check to see that the configuration is correct. If you feel everything is configured correctly, please contact customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.020 Dialout server timer_type timer expired, net netnum going down

Long Syntax: DOUT.020 Dialout server timer_type timer expired, net netnum going down

Description: Either the keepalive timer or the inactivity timer on the dialout server expired. If the inactivity timer expired, this means that data has not been transmitted or received within the configured amount of time. If the keepalive timer has expired this means that the dialout client has not sent a keepalive packet in the timeout period of four minutes. They are supposed to be sent every 2 minutes. Please check to make sure the Shiva client is operating correctly.

Action: Increase the inactivity timer if this is causing a problem for your clients. For keepalive timer expirations, please make sure the client is operating correctly. If the problem persists, please contact IBM customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.021 Dialout server received keepalive pkt on net netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.021 Dialout server received keepalive pkt on net netnum

Description: Information - received a keepalive packet on network interface.

Action: No action, just information


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: DOUT.022 buffer

Long Syntax: DOUT.022 buffer

Description: Information - if you are having problems, report message to IBM Customer Service.

Action: For problems, report this message to customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.023 Dialout server could not xmt numbytes bytes from modem to TCP on net netnum

Long Syntax: DOUT.023 Dialout server could not xmt numbytes bytes from modem to TCP on net netnum

Description: Error - Dialout server could not transmit bytes received from modem to TCP. The reason for this is that TCP buffers are full and as a result the dialout server cannot put any more data into this buffer. This most likely is a result of a slow dialout client or network congestion, or a heavy loaded router. Contact customer service for more help.

Action: For problems, report this message to customer service.



Short Syntax: DOUT.024 Could not add modem pool tcp session, maximum number of num exceeded

Long Syntax: DOUT.024 Could not add modem pool tcp session, maximum number of num exceeded

Description: Error - User has added more dialout nets than are allowed. This error will not hurt anything, however only MAXTNMDMS can be utilized. This number is limited to the number of physical modems in the device. For VL3 platforms, this number is 12, for VL platforms, this number is 2.

Action: Delete excess dialout nets

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